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Steph Shep On Living More Sustainably

Steph Shep On Living More Sustainably

Easy tips for living an eco-friendly life with the respected thought leader.

When you think of modern, sustainable style, a name that immediately comes to mind is Stephanie Shepherd. We recently partnered with the environmental advocate and social entrepreneur for an intimate discussion to premiere The Antü Brightening Collection with our founder, Barb Paldus, and kick-off our #InformedNotInfluenced campaign. Be sure to catch the replay of our virtual fireside with Steph Shep here and learn more about our breakthrough barrier protection range sourced from the low-pollution climate of the Patagonian rainforest.

For our very first interview for The Lab Edit, we sat down with Steph Shep to get her take on daily actionable steps for living sustainably and her ideas to inspire you, our conscious consumer, on doing the same. 


What led you to become an environmental advocate? Our readers would love to learn more about your personal journey.

After I watched Vice President Gores An Inconvenient TruthI was moved to take action and continue to expand my understanding of the climate crisis. From there I attended several Climate Reality Leadership trainings across the U.S. 


 “Education is a catalyst for change.”

—Steph Shep


How do you practice sustainability on the daily? What are easy tips & tricks our readers can adopt to be more sustainable?

I try everyday to make the best decisions I can to live a more sustainable, waste-free lifestyle. Right now Im focused on reducing; specifically reducing what I purchase and what I throw away. I try to be thoughtful with the products I need to purchase and the brands I support. 

I think for anyone trying to become more sustainable you first need to educate yourself. The more you know, the better you can make smart choices for yourself and for your family. Individual action leads to collective change, so we can all do our part from the way we run our homes to the officials we elect into office. 


What organically draws you to companies like Codex Beauty Labs? Why do you place such a strong focus on an effective skincare routine and opt for beauty thats better for the planet?

Well, it seems my answer is in your question. Who wouldnt want to use efficacious, science based products that are safe for my health and take the most sustainable innovative measures to protect the planet? Seems like a no brainer! 

And it can be that simple, the start you make on your sustainability journey can be as easy as switching your personal and home care products! 


Many of our readers would love to follow your lead. How can consumers become stronger advocates for sustainability or just become more informed on the subject? 

Firstly, they can follow my climate education platform @FutureEarth! We share fact based information to help us all learn about the effects of the climate crisis, as well as things we can do to combat it! 

Education is a catalyst for change! Host your friends to watch a climate science documentary, sign up for the Climate Reality Leadership training, follow activists and organizations in the space online and find ways you can donate your time and money (if you have the means) to continue to support their work! 


“Your sustainability journey can be as easy as switching your personal & home care products! 

—Steph Shep


The future of beauty is sustainable. Why do you think its important for beauty companies to invest in sustainable packaging?

I think its important because we should all be held accountable to do our absolute best to preserve the planet.  It should become the norm to have sustainable and transparent business practices. I see so many smaller brands starting from the ground up with sustainability at the forefront of the brand ethos and consumers are really responding to those initiatives. So brands can either get on board or get left behind! 


Finish this sentence: For Stephanie Shepherd sustainably is



Thank you, Stephanie, for joining us on a virtual sit-down about Antü and supporting Codex Beauty Labs’ mission of seriously sustainable skincare.

Stay further informed about our sustainability initiatives and efforts to raise the platform for eco-conscious beauty by  following along on our #InformedNotInfluenced journey. Like us, Stephanie believes that education is what influences better wellness practices and positive environmental impact.

It is only through informed decision-making—and aligning ourselves with invested advocates for change—that we can reimagine a better future for ourselves and our planet.

Be sure to browse through our collection of editorials centered on efficacious, clinically proven beauty to learn how sustainability is re-imagining the face of beauty forever.

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