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Zbavte sa akné na tele raz a navždy. Prvé výsledky už za 30 dní

Niekedy len povrchová starostlivosť nestačí a treba riešiť akné aj zvnútra. Vyvinuli sme produkty, ktoré zabraňujú zapáleniu a tým eliminujú vznik vyrážok.

  • Sklon k akné
  • Akné na těle
  • Bacne
  • Aktinická keratóza

This collection contains all of the body acne products you need for clear skin. Reduce oiliness and remove impurities including dead skin cells with the body scrub while hydrating and protecting your microbiome. Target and quickly dry blemishes with our colloidal sulphur spot treatment that doesnt damage your skin barrier. Finally, rebalance your gut microbiome and reduce sebum production with lipid metabolism supporting guggul and antioxidants from green tea. Meanwhile, clear existing or new blemishes quickly with our spot hero treatment. This helps prevent acne scars as pimples can be cleared without squeezing or popping.

Finally, Optimize gut health to prevent breakouts with targeted probiotic strains, Ayurvedic guggul, and green tea anti-oxidants. This miracle combo will help give your body the anti-acne gut health it craves.

Don’t rely on bacne treatments that strip your skin of their helpful oils or natural barrier. Fight bacne gently and smartly with products designed to work as a team. These are our best body acne treatment products, bundled together in a single convenient package.

These back acne products can be safely used together to help fight different types of acne and bacne. This includes blackheads, cystic acne, nodules, and more. Treating acne doesn’t need to feel out of reach. With our bacne treatments, even your hard to reach areas are supported.

Expiry Probiotics/supplements 12/1024 - can be used safely for another 6 months after expiry

Doprava zadarmo nad 80 €


Shaant Hydrating Acne Body Scrub od Codex Labs pro jemnou exfoliaci

Shaant Hydrating Body Scrub

Shaant Spot Hero tube on a white background.

Shaant Spot Hero (EU)

Shaant Clear Skin Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Shaant Clear Skin Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Section Image

Body Acne (Bacne) Set

Sada SHAANT Body Acne viditeľne zlepšuje stav aknóznej pokožky už za 8 týždňov. Telový peeling SHAANT znižuje produkciu kožného mazu o 24 % a zbavuje pleť odumretých buniek upchávajúcich póry o 58 %, zvyšuje hydratáciu o 20 %. Je klinicky dokázané, že zmierňuje zapálenie kože o 58 %. Probiotický doplnok SHAANT znižuje zapálenie a vznik komedónov o 60 % pri 8 týždňovom testovaní. SHAANT Spot Hero pomáha lokálne vysušovať vyrážky a zmierniť začervenanie už za 24 hodín.

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